
Heart & Vascular Center

Heart & Vascular Center

"Your Heartbreaks..to the Rescue by Our Caring"

Heart & Vascular Center's Princ Hospital Suvarnabhumi is complete heart disease examination and treatment.

We recognize the importance of heart disease as the leading cause of death and the tendency to increase continuously. Therefore, we provide comprehensive treatment services, modern technology, a team of doctors and personnel who are experts in international standard treatment, and efficient service for the best results in treating heart and blood vessels.


Heart Screening Service Availability

Exercise Stress Test (EST)

The Exercise Stress Test is an electrocardiogram during exercise using a treadmill is performed to allow the doctor to check for abnormal heart function and to check whether the heart muscle is lacking blood during physical exertion due to coronary artery stenosis and arrhythmias. The doctor will observe changes in the heart's electrical activity, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia), and lack of blood flow to the heart, as well as other symptoms that appear, such as chest pain and shortness of breath.


Echocardiogram (ECHO)

The Echocardiogram is using high-frequency echo waves and interpreting them into images, doctors can see both the shape and size of the heart, as well as the function of the heart muscles and heart valves, to see if there are any abnormalities. The doctor will ask about the initial symptoms. For this method, the doctor will use it to assess and screen for those who have symptoms of shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling that are suspected of being caused by heart disease or people in general who are at risk to look at the movement of the heart, the contraction of the heart muscle, the shape and thickness of the heart, the function of the heart valves, whether there is stenosis or leakage, check for pericardial fluid, enlarged heart, congenital heart defects to be a guideline for further treatment.


Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography

Injection of contrast media into blood vessel to examine the coronary arteries is high-speed computerized tomography (CT) scans are used to detect coronary artery stenosis, check the severity of the stenosis in the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle, or monitor treatment results and screen patients at risk.

This method is to prepare patients with risk factors for heart disease before undergoing surgery or major procedures. After the examination, the cardiologist will plan the correct and appropriate treatment. If abnormalities are found, the medication may be adjusted, the patient's behavior may be adjusted, or a heart angioplasty may be recommended for other procedures.


Therefore, if you or someone near you who you love. Observing yourself whether or not you have any of the symptoms mentioned above related to heart disease. Don't let the symptoms become severe. It is recommended that you see a cardiologist as soon as possible to help assess and screen for risks for proper ongoing treatment to prevent heart attacks, which can be life-threatening.


A Building, 2nd Floor


Monday - Sunday 08.00A.M. -15.00A.M.


02-080-5999  Dial 9 (International Customer Service)